Report Abuse

Last updated on 23 July 2023

We are committed to maintaining a safe, respectful, and professional platform for creators and sponsors. We believe in the power of collective responsibility to uphold these values. If you witness any behavior or content that violates our policies, please let us know immediately. This Report Abuse page details the process for reporting such incidents.

Identifying Abuse:

Abuse can take many forms, including harassment, offensive content, fraudulent activities, spam, or any other behavior that violates our Terms of Service. We rely on our user community to report any such incidents promptly.

Reporting Process:

If you encounter abusive behavior or content, you can report it directly through the 'Report Abuse' button on the platform. Alternatively, you can contact our support team via email at [].

Information to Include:

When reporting abuse, please provide as much detail as possible, including the user's name, a description of the incident, and any relevant screenshots or documentation. This will help us take the appropriate action quickly.

Our Response:

Upon receiving a report, our team will review the case and take necessary actions, which may include warnings, suspension, or termination of the offending account.


We respect your privacy and will handle all reports confidentially. The reported party will not be informed of the identity of the reporter.

No Retaliation:

Melo Networks prohibits retaliation against any user for reporting abuse or helping with an investigation. If you experience retaliation, report it immediately.


We are committed to addressing every report we receive and ensuring that Melo Networks remains a safe and welcoming platform for all users.