Startup Fund

Last updated on 23 July 2023

As a growing platform in the creator sponsorship marketplace, we're always seeking opportunities to expand and improve our services. Your investment in Melo Networks can play a pivotal role in fostering creative collaborations and fueling growth in the influencer marketing industry.

Why Invest in Melo Networks:

Melo Networks operates in the dynamic and rapidly expanding field of influencer marketing. Our platform bridges the gap between talented creators and forward-thinking brands, making us a key player in this booming industry. By investing in Melo Networks, you are not only backing a promising startup, but you are also investing in the future of creative collaborations and influencer marketing.

Our Vision:

Our vision is to redefine the landscape of influencer marketing by offering a reliable and efficient platform that facilitates successful brand-creator collaborations. We aim to empower creators, help brands grow, and ultimately drive innovation in the marketplace.

Use of Funds:

The funds we raise will be strategically allocated to enhance our platform's features, expand our services to new markets, invest in advanced technologies for data analysis, and build a robust support infrastructure.

Investment Opportunities:

We offer several investment options suited to different types of investors, including equity investments, convertible notes, and more. We believe in forming partnerships that are mutually beneficial, and we are committed to delivering value to our investors.

Contact Us:

If you're interested in investing in Melo Networks, we would love to hear from you. Please reach out to our team at for more information about our business model, future plans, and investment opportunities.